Persönliche Anmerkung/Private Remark: Please refer to the given Sources and Literature advises which I used in order to complete these paint schemes on the actually main or my Literature pages. Let me thank all members of different communities around the World Wide Web that shares necessary information's and historical relations to get these paint schemes so accurate as possible! ***
Paintschemes by community member BOO reworked for new template RaFiGer
Auf dieser Seite präsentiere ich
Sammlungen der von BOO erstellten (Skinpacks) für verschiedene Flugzeugmodelle der Simulation :)
On this page I will present the collections of paint schemes by BOO
(Skinpacks), which I release in his name for the
public use for the Simulation :)
Paintschemes by community member BOO reworked for new template RaFiGer
Alle Skinpacks nutzen neben dem entsprechenden Alpha Kanal auch eine eigene Bump Map in 4k
Auflösung, die meiner Ansicht nach den Bemalungen am besten
entspricht. Mit dem Download der MOD Datei erhaltet ihr eine neue Bump Map/Normal Map, die über einen MOD Manager (z.B. JSGME) einfach die Skinpacks zusammen mit der neue Bump Map/Normal Map installieren oder deinstallieren könnt!
Eine Sicherheitskopie der Bump Map/Normal Map ist dadurch nicht notwendig
All Skinpacks used beside the respectivly Alpha Channel also my own version of the
Bump Map/Normal Map File in 4k resolution, which suited my paintschemes better than the original one. Downloading the MOD File and using a MOD Manager (like JSGME) you install and deinstall easily the skinfiles and the new Bump Map/Normal Map!
Therefore a safety copy of the original Bump Map/Normal Map is not necessary!
Bitte beachten: Mit dem Mauszeiger ruft ihr ein Bild des Schemas in hoher Auflösung auf
Attention: With Mouseover you will see a High resolution picture of the skin
*** Skinpacks for the Simulation Bf-109 G6 of III./JG 52 flown by Günther Rall
Messerschmitt Bf-109-G6/R3 based in Russia February 1944
Skinpack for IL2 BOS Series skin by BOO adapted to new template!
Messerschmitt Bf-109-G6/R6 based in Leeuwarden (Netherlands) mid 1943
Skinpack for IL2 BOS Series
The III./JG 53 was a famous fighter unit which was ordered to defend the areas of parts of the southern easter front till 1945. Many Aces like Günther Rall flew with III./JG 52. During their missions the was partly equipt with two underwing mounted 20 mm gun pods nicknaming these planes as "Kanonenboot/Gunboat."
Skinpacks for the Simulation Bf-109 G6 of II./JG 11 possibly flown by Günther Rall May 1944
Messerschmitt Bf-109-G6/R3 possibly flown by Major Günter Rall on MAy 12th, 1944 Skinpack for IL2 BOS Series
The II./JG 11 was a assigned as fighter unit as protection cover for the I./JG 11 Fw-190 A assault fighter engaging the bomber streams of the U.S.A.A.F.. Günther Rall flew as commanding officer with II./JG 11 on May 12th, 1944. During their missions and after successfully shoting down a P-47 he was afterwards hunted by Colonel Zemkes squad, his plane was badley damaged and he had to bail out. "
MOD File Bf-109 G6 der/of Günther Rall 1944 mit/with III./JG 52 and II./JG11
(Resolution in 4k)